Loot Rules

Loot Rules
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Primary: [Raiding 101]
Secondary: None
You are not allowed to loot anything without permission.

Items have pre-set prices you can view via links on the main page.

To bid on an item you must say "bid" in raid channel when the item is linked for bidding.

Items are awarded based upon highest current DKP > highest last 30 day attendance

Limit 1 item and 1 spell per person per event chest.

Back-flags assigned as needed - keep your profile up to date!

First round mains only - alts may bid on the rot round.

Please be mindful of class bonuses and gains when bidding on loot.
Mains get priority on loot over Alts until a main gets to <600> DKP. They will then need to raise it up to earn their next item.

DKP will be counted after each raid. This ensures bids from the first raid count against DKP in the second raid

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